王美心 Mei-Hsin Wang
英國皇家化學會於2013年頒授院士(Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry UK) 英國科技部於2004年授予Chartered Chemist 2004年成為英國化妝品科學家協會研究級會員 2006年獲選AFRO-ASIAN WHO& WHO 2007年獲選ASIAN- AMERICAN WHO& WHO 2013獲選Who is Who in the World
- 授權執行者協會國際總會LESI 2014-2015學術副主席 國際商標協會INTA任總會2013-2015學術委員 International Review of Law, Computer and Technology 副主編 2017年起國際知識產權保護協會AIPPI生技醫藥委員會執行委員 2017 ALBERT NELSON MARQUIS LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD 2020-2021與2013獲選Who is Who in the World GCDF 國際職涯發展師: 證書號GCDF00968-TW 中華生醫科技應用協會第一及二任會長。 美國聯邦上訴巡迴法院(CAFC) 客座研究員。 法國史特拉斯堡國際智慧財產權研究中心(CEIPI) 客座研究員。 蘇聯科學院NDZ有機研究所客座研究員。 德國慕尼黑馬克斯普朗克智慧財產權競爭法與稅法研究所(MPI)客座研究員。 札普爾之印度國家法律大學客座教授。 德里之印度國家法律大學客座教授。 中國政法大學無形資產管理研究中心客座研究員。 蘇州大學智慧財產權研究院兼職研究員。 中南財經政法大學智慧財產權研究中心兼職研究員。 湖南省智慧財產權資訊服務中心訪問研究員。 湖北省智慧財產權研究中心研究員。 江蘇省人文社會科學研究基地江蘇省智慧財產權發展研究中心研究員。 華中師範大學法學院訪問教授。 武漢大學法學院訪問教授。 蘇州大學王健法學院訪問教授。 湘潭大學智慧財產權學院客座教授。 南京理工大學智慧財產權學院兼職教授。 湖南大學法學院兼職教授。 香港大學榮譽副教授。 武漢智慧財產權研究會特聘專家。 上海執業經濟人協會技術經紀專業委員會榮譽委員。
- 學術期刊論文
- 研討會論文
- 技術報告
- 專書及專書論文
- 其他論著
Ying-Fang Chen, Cuross Bakhtiar, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Steve S. KIM, Wan-Ching ZHONG, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Temporomandibular Dysfunction, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Dentistry Special Edition-, Vol.2021, NO. Dental, pp.68-86. (其他)(ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
Ying-Fang Chen, Cuross Bakhtiar, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Steve S. KIM, Wan-Ching ZHONG, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Endodontics, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Dentistry Special Edition-, Vol.2021, NO. Dental, pp.51-67. (其他)(ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
Ying-Fang Chen, Yueh-Ju LO, Cuross Bakhtiar, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Steve S. KIM, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Prosthodontics, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Dentistry Special Edition-, Vol.2021, NO. Dental, pp.36-50. (其他)(ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
Ying-Fang Chen, Yueh-Ju LO, Cuross Bakhtiar, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Steve S. KIM, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Orthodontics, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Dentistry Special Edition-, Vol.2021, NO. Dental, pp.19-35. (其他)(ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
Ying-Fang Chen, Yueh-Ju LO, Cuross Bakhtiar, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Steve S. KIM, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Periodontal Disease, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Dentistry Special Edition-, Vol.2021, NO. Dental, pp. 1-18. (其他)(ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
Hsing-Fong LEE, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Xin-Hong LIN, Xin-Wei HUANG,, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Non-Viral Hepatitis, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Hepatitis Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.Hep, pp.73-90. (其他)(ISSN : 2520-7237 (Online))
Hsing-Fong LEE, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Xin-Hong LIN, Chang-Bo CHEN,, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Hepatitis D, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Hepatitis Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.Hep, pp.56-72. (其他)(ISSN : 2520-7237 (Online))
Hsing-Fong LEE, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Xin-Hong LIN, Po-Chun CHIU,, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Hepatitis C, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Hepatitis Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.Hep, pp.37-55. (其他)(ISSN : 2520-7237 (Online))
Hsing-Fong LEE, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Xin-Hong LIN, Chen-Shuo HUANG,, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Hepatitis B, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Hepatitis Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.Hep, pp.19-36. (其他)(ISSN : 2520-7237 (Online))
Hsing-Fong LEE, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Xin-Hong LIN, Nian-Ci HUANG,, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Hepatitis A, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Hepatitis Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.Hep, pp.1-18. (其他)(ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
Yuan-Fu LIU, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Xin-Hong LIN,, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Hip Fracture, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Orthopedics for Senile Population Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.OSP, pp.84-100. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
Yuan-Fu LIU, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Ge-Fang ZHANG,, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Lower Back Pain, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Orthopedics for Senile Population Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.OSP, pp.64-83. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
Yuan-Fu LIU, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Xin-Hong LIN,, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Herniated Intervertebral Disc, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Orthopedics for Senile Population Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.OSP, pp.41-63. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
Yuan-Fu LIU, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Ge-Fang ZHANG, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Osteoporosis, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Orthopedics for Senile Population Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.OSP, pp.21-40. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
Yuan-Fu LIU, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Xin-Hong LIN,, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Osteoarthritis, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Orthopedics for Senile Population Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.OSP, pp.1-20. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
Yuan-Fu LIU, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Ge-Fang Zhang, Ying-Hsuan CHEN,, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Meniscus Tear, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Orthopedics for Sports Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.OS, pp.68-85. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
Yuan-Fu LIU, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Ge-Fang Zhang, Yu-Chi LIU, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Vertebral Compression Fracture, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Orthopedics for Sports Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.OS, pp.52-67. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
Yuan-Fu LIU, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Xin-Hong Lin, Chun-Yu CHANG, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Herniated Rotator Cuff Tear, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Orthopedics for Sports Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.OS, pp.36-51. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
Yuan-Fu LIU, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Xin-Hong Lin, Chih-Ying CHANG, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Lateral Epicondylitis, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Orthopedics for Sports Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.OS, pp.19-35. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
Yuan-Fu LIU, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Ge-Fang Zhang, Rui-Fu LIU,, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Cruciate Ligament Injury, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Orthopedics for Sports Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.OS, pp.1-18. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
何怡慧Yi-Hui Ho, 楊岳隆Yueh-Lung Yang, 王美心*Mei-Hsin Wang, 2021, 當歸全球專利佈局人工智慧大數據分析 Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Study for Angelica sinensis, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding- Chinese Herbal Medicine Special Edition, Vol.2021, No.CHM, pp.60-73. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
楊岳隆Yueh-Lung Yang, 何怡慧Yi-Hui Ho, 王美心*Mei-Hsin Wang*, 2021, 川芎全球專利佈局人工智慧大數據分析 Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Study for Ligusticum striatum, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding- Chinese Herbal Medicine Special Edition, Vol.2021, No.CHM, pp.45-59. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
何怡慧Yi-Hui Ho, 楊岳隆Yueh-Lung Yang, 王美心* Mei-Hsin Wang*, 2021, 芍藥全球專利佈局人工智慧大數據分析 Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Study for Paeonia lactiflora, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding- Chinese Herbal Medicine Special Edition, Vol.2021, No.CHM, pp.30-44. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
楊岳隆Yueh-Lung Yang, 何怡慧Yi-Hui Ho, 王美心*Mei-Hsin Wang*, 2021, 黃岑全球專利佈局人工智慧大數據分析 Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Study for Baikal skullcap, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding- Chinese Herbal Medicine Special Edition, Vol.2021, No.CHM, pp.15-29. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
何怡慧Yi-Hui Ho, 楊岳隆Yueh-Lung Yang, 王美心*Mei-Hsin Wang*, 2021, 白朮全球專利佈局人工智能大數據分析 Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Study for Atractylodes Macrocephala, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Chinese Herbal Medicine Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.CHM, pp.1-14. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN: 2520-7237 (Online))
Wen-Bing Tsai, Mei-Hsin WANG*, I-Hsin LIN,, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Systemic sclerosis, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Rheumatology and Immunology Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.RI, pp.70-86. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN:2520-7237 (Online))
Wen-Bing Tsai, Mei-Hsin WANG*, I-Hsin LIN,, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for pulmonary fibrosis, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Rheumatology and Immunology Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.RI, pp.54-69. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN:2520-7237 (Online))
Wen-Bing Tsai, Mei-Hsin WANG*, I-Hsin LIN, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Asthma, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Rheumatology and Immunology Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.RI, pp.35-53. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN:2520-7237 (Online))
Wen-Bing Tsai, Mei-Hsin WANG*, I-Hsin LIN, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Arthritis, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Rheumatology and Immunology Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.RI, pp.18-34. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN:2520-7237 (Online))
Wen-Bing Tsai, Mei-Hsin WANG*, I-Hsin LIN, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Allergic rhinitis, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Rheumatology and Immunology Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.RI, pp.1-17. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN:2520-7237 (Online))
廖振博Chien-Po Liao, 王美心*Mei-Hsin Wang*, 2021, 直播技術全球專利佈局人工智能大數據分析Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Study for Online-Streaming Technology, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Digital Transmission Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.DT, pp.59-73. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN:2520-7237 (Online))
廖振博Chien-Po Liao, 王美心*Mei-Hsin Wang*, 2021, 4K技術全球專利佈局人工智能大數據分析Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Study for 4K Technology, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Digital Transmission Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.DT, pp.45-58. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN:2520-7237 (Online))
廖振博Chien-Po Liao, 王美心*Mei-Hsin Wang*, 2021, 4G技術全球專利佈局人工智能大數據分析Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Study for 4G Technology, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Digital Transmission Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.DT, pp.30-44. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN:2520-7237 (Online))
廖振博Chien-Po Liao, 王美心*Mei-Hsin Wang*, 2021, 5G技術全球專利佈局人工智能大數據分析 Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Study for 5G Technology, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Digital Transmission Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.DT, pp.16-29. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN:2520-7237 (Online))
廖振博Chien-Po Liao, 王美心*Mei-Hsin Wang*, 2021, 8K技術全球專利佈局人工智能大數據分析Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Study for 8K Technology, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Digital Transmission Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.DT, pp.1-15. (其他)(ISSN : 2521-7011 (Print) ISSN:2520-7237 (Online))
Hsing-Fong LEE, Mei-Hsin WANG*, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Liver Cirrhosis, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Hepatobiliary and Gastroenterology Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.HG, pp.70-86. (其他)(ISSN:2520-7237 (Online))
Hsing-Fong LEE, Mei-Hsin WANG*, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Hepatitis, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Hepatobiliary and Gastroenterology Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.HG, pp.51-69. (其他)(ISSN:2520-7237 (Online))
Hsing-Fong LEE, Mei-Hsin WANG*, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for GERD, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Hepatobiliary and Gastroenterology Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.HG, pp.35-50. (其他)(ISSN:2520-7237 (Online))
Hsing-Fong LEE, Mei-Hsin WANG*, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for GERD, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Hepatobiliary and Gastroenterology Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.HG, pp.35-50. (其他)(ISSN:2520-7237 (Online))
Hsing-Fong LEE, Mei-Hsin WANG*, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Gastrointestinal Ulcer, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Hepatobiliary and Gastroenterology Special Edition-, Vol.2021, No.HG, pp.1-15. (其他)(ISSB:2520-7237 (Online))
Mei-Hsin Wang, Hong-Chieh Wu-Chang*, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Depression, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding-Psychiatry Special Edition, Vol.2021, No.Psy, pp.33-48. (其他)(ISSN 2521-7011 (print), ISSN 2520-7237(online))
Mei-Hsin Wang, Hong-Chieh Wu-Chang*, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Anxiety, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding-Psychiatry Special Edition, Vol.2021, No.Psy, pp.16-32. (其他)(ISSN 2521-7011 (print), ISSN 2520-7237(online))
Mei-Hsin Wang, Hong-Chieh Wu-Chang*, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Schizophrenia, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding-Psychiatry Special Edition, Vol.2021, No.Psy, pp.1-15. (其他)(ISSN 2521-7011 (print), ISSN 2520-7237(online))
Mei-Hsin Wang, Hong-Chieh Wu-Chang*, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Insomnia, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding-Psychiatry Special Edition, Vol.2021, No.Psy, pp.65-81. (其他)(ISSN 2521-7011 (print), ISSN 2520-7237(online))
Mei-Hsin Wang, Hong-Chieh Wu-Chang*, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for Dementia, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding-Psychiatry Special Edition, Vol.2021, No.Psy, pp.49-64. (其他)(ISSN 2521-7011 (print), ISSN 2520-7237(online))
Mei-Hsin Wang, Xin-Hong Lin, Zhih-Shan Lin, Ying-Fang Chen*, 2020, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on IP Study for 3D Printing Denture Device, 2020 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding-3D Printing Special Edition, Vol.2020, No.3D, pp.52-29. (其他)(ISSN 2521-7011 (print))
Mei-Hsin Wang, Chin-Heng Shieh, Xin-Hong Lin, Ying-Fang Chen*, 2020, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on IP Study for 3D Printing Denture Image Tools, 2020 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding-3D Printing Special Edition, Vol.2020, No.3D, pp.41-51. (其他)(ISSN 2521-7011 (print))
Mei-Hsin Wang, Chin-Heng Shieh, Xin-Hong Lin, Ying-Fang Chen*, 2020, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on IP Study for 3D Printing Denture Materials, 2020 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding-3D Printing Special Edition, Vol.2020, No.3D, pp.28-40. (其他)(ISSN 2521-7011 (print))
Mei-Hsin Wang, Chin-Heng Shieh, Xin-Hong Lin, Ying-Fang Chen*, 2020, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Denture IP Study for 3D Printing Technology, 2020 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding-3D Printing Special Edition, Vol.2020, No.3D, pp.14-27. (其他)(ISSN 2521-7011 (print))
Mei-Hsin Wang, Chin-Heng Shieh, Xin-Hong Lin, Ying-Fang Chen*, 2020, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for 3D Printing Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Applied on Patent Profile Studies for 3D Printing Technology, Vol.2020, 3D, pp.1-13. (其他)(ISSN 2521-7011 (print))
王美心, 2019, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis and Policy on Patent Monetization Economics, eCASE & eTECH, Vol.12, No.1, pp.347-363. (其他)(ISSN 3074-5710)
王美心, 2018, Intellectual Property Progress and Legal Issues on 3D Printing Industry, eCASE & eTECH, Vol.12, No.1, pp.550-579. (SCIE)(ISSN 3074-5710)
王美心, 2017, Case Study on Competition Issue for Display Industry, Patent Mapping Composition Annual Proceeding(ISSN 2521 7011), Vol.3, pp. 13-54. (其他)
王美心, 2017, Study on Intellectual property Development on Industry 4.0 and Robot(ISSN 2521 7011), Patent Mapping Composition Annual Proceeding, Vol.3, pp.73-104. (其他)
王美心, 2017, Study for Intellectual Property Progress for online payment, Patent Mapping Composition Annual Proceeding (ISSN 2521 7011), Vol.2, pp.101-130. (其他)
王美心, 2017, Study on Intellectual Property progress for Virtual Reality, Patent Mapping Composition Annual Proceeding (ISSN 2521 7011), Vol.2, pp.13-28. (其他)
王美心, 2017, Study for Intellectual Property Progress for Smart Vehicle, Patent Mapping Composition Annual Proceeding (ISSN 2521 7011), Vol.2, pp.50-85. (其他)
王美心, 2017, Technology Development and Intellectual Property Profiling on Internet of the thing on Smart Vehicle, eCASE & eTECH (ISSN 2075-5710), Vol.Spring, pp.425-446. (其他)
王美心, 2017, Technology Impact and Patent Profiling on Industry 4.0 & Roberts, eCASE & eTECH (ISSN 2075-5710), Vol.Spring, pp.76-90. (SCIE, 其他)
王美心, 2017, Merger & Acquisition Case Study in Great China, Patent Mapping Composition Annual Proceeding (ISSN 2521 7011), Vol.1. (其他)
王美心, 2017, Study on Strategic Merger and Acquisition in Transgenic Industry, Patent Mapping Composition Annual Proceeding (ISSN 2521 7011), Vol.1, pp.71-119. (其他)
王美心, 2017, Study on Intellectual Property Licensing and Industry Alliance, Patent Mapping Composition Annual Proceeding (ISSN 2521 7011), Vol.1, pp.134-169. (其他)
王美心, 2016, Anti-monopoly and Anti-Competition Issues on On-line Media & Communication Tools, eCASE & eTECH, Vol.2016, No.1, pp.11-25. (其他)(ISSN 2075-5710)
Mei-Hsin Wang, Dong XinKai, 2015, Anti-monopoly and Anti-Competition Issues on On-line Communication Tools, eCASE & eTECH, Vol.fall, No.2015, pp.36-49. (其他)(ISSN 2075-5710)
王美心, 2015, Trendy Monetization on e-Technology, e-CASE & e-Tech 2015, Vol.2015, No.1, pp.1082-1091. (其他)(ISSN 2074-5710)
王美心, 2014, Legislation on Patent Securitization, Intellectual Property Association of Japan, Vol.11, No.2, pp.tw11-30. (其他)(ISBN 1349-421X)
王美心, 2014, (F)RAND Licensing for Essential Standard Patents - Cases Study of Mobile Devices-, Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education and e-Technology, pp.169-176. (其他)(ISSN 2074-5710)
王美心, 2014, Biomedical Patent Securitization in Taiwan (II), les Nouvelles, Vol.XLIX, No.1, 59-71. (其他)(ISSN 0270 174X)
王美心, 2013, Recent Patent Litigation on Pharmaceuticals in Great China, NTUT J. of Intell. Prop. L. & Mgmt, Vol.2, pp.58-71. (其他)
王美心, 2013, Case Studies on Induced Infringement from Internet Networking, e-CASE & e-Tech 2013, Vol.1, No.1, pp.229-236. (其他)(ISSN 2074-5710)
王美心, 2022, 知識產權海峽兩岸協同全球運營:以聯發科為例, 閩台知識產權圓桌8會議, 2022/11/12, 廈門大學, 廈門.
Mei-Hsin Wang, 2022, Guide to IP Creation, Exchange and Ownership in University-Industry Collaborrations, The 10th World Intellectual Property Forum, 2022/10/10-12, WIPF55, 曼谷.
Mei-Hsin Wang, 2022, Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property, The 10 th World Intellectual Property Forum, 2022/10/10-12, WIPF, 曼谷.
Mei-Hsin Wang, 2022, COVID-19 Medical IP Landscape: Western Medicine vs Traditional Chinese Therapy, The 9th World Intellectual Property Forum, 2022/04/26-2022/05/05, WIPF, Kolkata.
Mei-Hsin Wang, 2022, IP Strategy in New Era, The 9th World Intellectual Property Forum, 2022/04/26-2022/05/05, WIPF, Kolkata.
Mei-Hsin Wang, 2022, Controversy and FRAND for Standard Essential Patent in Courts, The 9th World Intellectual Property Forum, 2022/04/26-2022/05/05, WIPF, Kolkata.
王美心, 2022, 商標運用AI大資料管理運營實例 AI & Big Data Analytics on Trademark management, 智慧財產權法律實踐中的人工智慧和大資料分析系列研討會之三, 2022/04/08, 中, 台北.
王美心, 2022, 企業專利運用AI大資料管理運營實例-以歐美日企業為例 Corporate employing AI & Big Data Analytics on IP management, 智慧財產權法律實踐中的人工智慧和大資料分析系列研討會之二, 2022/04/01, 中, 台北.
王美心, 2022, 校園智慧財產權以AI大資料管理運營實例-以香港大學專利管理為例Campus employing AI & Big Data Analytics on IP management–Hong Kong University, 智慧財產權法律實踐中的人工智慧和大資料分析系列研討會之一, 2022/03/25, 中, 台北.
王美心, 2022, AI大資料在專利運營實例解說-以格羅方德v台積電案為例AI & Big Data Analytics on IP Monetization – Global Foundry v TSMC, 智慧財產權貨幣化、貿易與標準化系列研討會之三, 2022/03/18, 中, 台北.
王美心, 2022, 專利貨幣化股權化 Patent Monetization & Tokenization, 智慧財產權貨幣化、貿易與標準化系列研討會之二, 2022/03/11, 中, 台北.
王美心, 2022, 专利运营的商業模式 Patent Monetization Business Model, 智慧財產權貨幣化、貿易與標準化系列研討會之一, 2022/03/04, 中華生醫科技應用協會, 台北.
Mei-Hsin Wang, 2022, Case Studies of AI & Big Data Technology Impact on Intellectual Property, Hungary : IP Tandem - Seminar on IP and Digital Technology, 2022/02/02, University of Szeged, Case Studies of AI & Big Data Technology Impact on Intellectual Property.
Mei-Hsin Wang, 2022, The roadmap of legendary IP practice combined heritage and modern services, Italy: IP Tandem - Seminar on IP and Digital Technology, 2022/02/01, Barzano & Zanardo, Rome.
Mei-Hsin Wang, 2022, 2022 Intellectual Property Progress in Europe, Germany Federal Patent Court: IP Tandem - Seminar on IP and Digital Technology, 2022/01/31, Germany Federal Patent Court, Munich.
Mei-Hsin Wang, 2022, Monetization for IP: How AI & Big Data Technology impact on IP, Poland : IP Tandem - Seminar on IP and Digital Technology, 2022/01/27, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznann.
Mei-Hsin Wang, 2022, AI & Big Data Analytics applied on Patent Quality and Value Validation -Case study on Nanotech and Biotech-, Germany : IP Tandem - Seminar on IP and Digital Technology, 2022/01/26, Technische Universittt MMnchen School of Management, Munich.
Mei-Hsin Wang, 2022, Teaching and research involved in Artificial Intelligence & Big Data Predicting applications on IP, Austria : IP Tandem - Seminar on IP and Digital Technology, 2022/01/25, Danube-University Krems, Vienna.
王美心, 2020, World Intellectual Property Forum, World Intellectual Property Forum 2020, 2020/12/18-19, Intellectual Professionals LLP, Kolkata (線上), pp.tw1-15.
王美心, 2020, 兩岸智慧財產權糾紛解決機制 -運用AI大數據機械深度學習為基礎-, 2020年闽台知识产权圆桌会议, 2020/11/13, 國家知識產權局戰略實施研究基地, 廈門(線上), pp.TW1301-1310.
王美心, 2019, Trademark and Copyright Procurement and Enforcement in the US, World IP Forum, 2019/11/06-08, WIPF, Taipei, pp.310-320.
王美心, 2019, Anti-Counterfeit Strategy from a Chinese Perspective, IP World Summit, 2019/10/21-23, IQPC, Amsterdam, pp.1001-1010.
王美心, 2019, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis and IP Landcape-Case study on Nano Science, IХ International Symposium «Design and Synthesis of Supramolecular Architectures» , International School on Cheminformatics, 2019/06/24-28, Kazen University, Kazen, pp.2101-2110.
王美心, 2019, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis and Tokenization Development on IP-Case study on Biotechnology, 150th anniversary Markovnikov Congress on Organic Chemistry, 2019/06/21, Moscow State University, Moscow, pp.1101-1110.
王美心, 2019, Communication Technology Case Study-Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis and Predicting Technology on Patent Monetization, 11th Annual Conference on Innovation and Communications Law, 2019/05/03-04, CICL, Las Vegas, pp.301-310.
王美心, 2019, Semiconductor Case Study-Artificial Intelligence and Predicting Technology on Patent Monetization, 2019年闽台知识产权圆桌会议, 2019/04/30, 廈門大學, 廈門, pp.101-110.
王美心, 2019, Technologies Impact on Patents: Blockchain, Artifical Intelligence, Predictive Analytics and a Variety of New Technologues will Change the Patent Ecosystem, Global Intellectual Property Covention 2019, 2019/01/17-19, ITAG, Bengaluru, plenary III - 301-31.
王美心, 2018, 智慧財產權新世紀-人工智慧整合區塊鏈之生態系平臺, 湖南省法學會智慧財產權法學研究會2018年年會暨人工智慧時代智慧財產權前沿問題研討會, 2018/12/22, 湖南省法學會、智慧財產權法學研究會, 湘潭大學, 2018, pp TW 1-8.
王美心, 2018, New Technologies to Change the Patent Monetization, 湖南省知识产权创业导师培训班, 2018/12/21, 湖南省知識產權局, 湘潭, pp.plenary III - 301.
王美心, 2018, BlockChain, AI and Big Data Analysis for the New Patent Ecosystem, Life Science IP Summit 2018, 2018/11/27-28, IQPC Gesellschaft f?r Management Konferenzen mbH, London, 2018 NOV: 201-208.
王美心, 2018, Monetization IP through Modern Technologies -Blockchian, Smart-Contract, AI and Big Data Analysis, Bi-Monthly meeting in the Japan Business Machine and Information System Industry Association, 2018/11/20, JAMIA, Tokyo, JAMIA 2018: Nov 101-.
王美心, 2018, The IP New Era - Ecosystem built on AI embedded with Blockchain platform, World Intellectual Property Forum, New Delhi, 2018, 2018/11/14-16, WIPF, New Delhi, Nov 2018, pp TW 1-9.
王美心, 2018, Essential Standard Patent Management -an Ecosystem built on AI and Blockchain platform-, 新時代知識產權法治論壇, 2018/11/03-04, 中國知識產權法學研究會, 廈門, pp.1939-1948.
王美心, 2018, How AR/VR Change the Modern Life? -Intellectual Property & Legal Development, 1. Mei-Hsin Wang, How AR/VR Change the Modern Life? -Intellectual Property & Legal Development, The 10th Annual Conference on Innovation and Communications Law, 2018/05/03-04, CICL, Milano, pp.101-115.
王美心, 2018, Challenges of IP and 3D Printing, 2018 World Intellectual Property Forum, 2018/01/16-18, WIPF, Dubai, pp.100-130.
王美心, 2017, UK Intellectual Property and Issues - Brexit & UPC-, Collaborative Innovation Forum of Intellectual Property in 2017 and International Seminar Invitation Letter for “the Belt and Road Initiative” and Intellectual Property Risk, 2017/12/15-16, SIPO, NanJing, pp.101-110.
王美心, 2017, Chinese Intellectual Property Policy to to lead the Fourth Industry Revoution, 2017 International Symposium on Intellectual Property, 2017/11/09, Korean Intellectual Property Office, Seoul, pp.101-115.
王美心, 2017, Effective tactics to protect Intellectual Property Rights in China: Culture, Politics and Law, World Federation of Sports Good Industry Legal Summit, 2017/06/25-27, World Federation of Sports Good Industry, Nike Centre, Portland, pp.101-109.
王美心, 2017, Technology and Intellectual Property progress for on-line Payment, Munich Intellectual Patent Law Conference, 2017/06/23, European Patent Office, Munich, pp.101-130.
王美心, 2017, Technology and Intellectual Property Development on Smart Vehicles, The Ninth Annual Conference on Innovation and Communications Law, 2017/05/29-31, CICL, Szedged, pp.50-85.
王美心, 2017, How to Use Global Patent Litigation Strategies to Deal with NPEs –Non-producing Entities-, 2017 World Intellectual Property Forum, 2017/04/26-28, WIPF, Bangaluru, pp.134-169.
王美心, 2016, 併購、交易、許可之知識產權國際戰略, 中國智庫治理論壇年會, 2016/12/17, 中國智庫研究与評价中心, 南京大學.
王美心, 2016, Business Model study on Intellectual Property Trading & Licensing, The International Conference on Economic Development and Management Engineering, 2016/12/10-11, EDME, WuHan. (http://www.edme2016.org/?op=keynotes)
王美心, 2016, Case Study and Regulation Update o anti-Counterfeiting in China, 11th Brand Protection & Anti-Counterfeiting Conference, 2016/11/14-15, International Quality & Productivity Center, Berlin. (https://brandprotection.iqpc.co.uk/)
王美心, 2016, IP As Driver Of Global Economy: Case Studies on Crop Transgenic Companies, Deals Led By IP, 5th Global IP 2016 Conclave, 2016/11/10-11, Global IP Conclave, Munbai. (http://iperaconclave.com/form/IP_Era_Conclave_Agenda_2016.pdf)
王美心, 2016, Economic Impacts from Transgenic Engineering, 2016 International Conference on Economic Science and Management Engineering, 2016/11/04-06, ESME, Guilin. (http://www.esme2016.org/?op=keynotes)
王美心, 2016, China – Status of IP Licensing and Funding, Korea Intellectual Property Association Annual Conference, 2016/11/03, Korea Intellectual Property Association, Seoul. (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/prof-mei-hsin-wang-steve-kim-c-s-2016-korean-property-mei-hsin-wang)
王美心, 2016, Impact on Transgenic Technologies - Policy vs Reality in Panel Pharm 2: Biosimilar – Similar but different, The International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, 2016/09/16-20, AIPPI, Milan. (105-2914-I-224-005-A1, http://aippi.org/panel-sessions2016/ http://ipkitten.blogspot.tw/2016/09/aippi-congress-report-3-biosimilars.html http://kluwerpatentblog.com/2016/09/20/aippi-milano-similar-but-different/?print=pdf http://www.managingip.com/pdfs/03_AIPPI16_Milan_Tue.pdf)
王美心, 2016, Anti-Competition Study on Merger & Acquisition and Patent Alliance Licensing, The International Conference on Humanistic Education and Law(ICHEL2016), 2016/08/19-21, 香港科學与工程研究中心, Shenzen. (http://muchong.com/html/201605/10296989.html https://read01.com/n4Qj0y.html http://mt.sohu.com/20160728/n461438551.shtml)
王美心, 2016, IP for Successful Business, 第一屆知識產權珠江論壇, 2016/07/30-31, 廣東中策知識產權研究院, 廣州.
王美心, 2016, Study of Economic Impact on Patent Alliance Business Model, International Conference on Economics and Business Management, 2016/06/25-27, EBM, GuangZhou. (http://www.ebm2016.org/?op=keynotes)
王美心, 2016, Study on Recent Industry Merger & Acquisition and IP Trading in Asia, Eight Conference on Innovation and Communications Law-Fading, Emerging and Flipped Markets: Owning, Licensing or Sharing Technologies? 2016, 2016/05/25-27, CICL, UEF Law School, Joensuu. (https://www.uef.fi/web/oikeustieteet/cicl2016)
王美心, 2016, Case Study and Practicum on Transgenic Approval Policy and Global Merger & Acquisition Regulations, 2016公私法學學術研討會, 2016/05/20, 僑光科技大學, Overseas Chinese University.
王美心, 2016, 專利聯盟運營之競爭法研究, 2016知識產全制度與知識產權運營國際研討會會議, 2016/05/12-13, 國家知識產權局, 湖南長沙. (http://law.xtu.edu.cn/infoshow-7-5361-0.html http://www.fxcxw.org/index.php/Home/Benwang/artIndex/id/13509/tid/1.html http://www.lqlaser.net/zhishichanquanfa/4623109.html)
王美心, 2016, Anti-Competition Study on Patent Alliance and IP Bussiness Model, 2016知識產權南湖論壇—‘知識產權保護與强國建設’國際研討會, 2016/04/23-24, 中南財經政法大學知識產權研究中心, BeiJing. (http://www.zuel.edu.cn/2016/0428/c1236a38908/page.htm)
王美心, 2016, 專利證券化近期發展, 建設全球產業科技創新中心紫金高層論壇暨會員大會, 2016/04/17, 南京工業大學、江蘇省科技創新協會、江蘇省產業技術研究院和江蘇省生產力促進中心, 南京. (http://learning.sohu.com/20160418/n444798863.shtml)
王美心, 2015, Strategic Commercialization for Laboratory Innovation through Intellectual Property Rights, International Congress on Heterocyclic Chemistry “KOST-2015, 2015/10/18-23, KOST, Moscow, pp.1-16
王美心, 2015, Strategic Management on Intellectual Property –Case Study on LED Industry, 34th ANNUAL CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF TEACHING AND RESEARCH IN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (ATRIP), 2015/09/27-30, ATRIP, Cape town, pp.1-29.
Mei-Hin Wang, 2015, Anti-Competition Study on On-Line Tools and Applied Devices, World Intellectual Property Forum, 2015/09/15-17, WIPF, Bangkok, pp.TW 1-14.
王美心, 2015, Strategic Management on Green Technology IP Rights -Solar Energy and LED, 7th Annual Innovation & Communications Law Conference, 2015/07/06-08, AICLC, Xiamen.
王美心 林柏辰 方捷揚 黃成靖, 2015, 智慧財產權之訴訟與政策運營-以太陽能與LED產業為例, 2015公私法學學術研討會, 2015/05/20, 僑光科技大學, 台中, pp.tw1-31.
王美心 黃成靖, 2015, Solar Energy Case Study on Inellectual property Management, 2015智慧財產權南湖論壇“智慧財產權, 2015/04/18-19, 中南財經政法大學知識產權研究中心, 南京, pp.862-875.
王美心 林柏辰 方捷揚 林季蓉, 2015, LED Case Study on Intellectual Property Management, 2015智慧財產權南湖論壇“智慧財產權, 2015/04/18-19, 中南財經政法大學知識產權研究中心, 南京, pp.804-819.
Mei-Hsin Wang, Po-Chen Lin, Jie-Yang Fang, 2015, Effective Anti-Piracy on Well-Known Trademarks Protection, "Creating Value in Tomorrow's Smart Economy-Towards 2020 and beyond" 2015 Licensing Executive Society Internatinal Annual Confernece, 2015/04/10-15, Licensing Executive Society International, Brussels, pp.tw1-15. (參與LESI2015年會, 104-2914-I224-002-A1)
王美心, 2014, Financial Management on Patent Use and the Strategy for Emerging Industries, Baku International Humanitarian Forum, 2014/10/02-03, Ministry of Education, Azerbaijan, Baku, pp.222-230.
王美心, 2014, Trend and Case Analysis on Compulsory Licensing in Asia, 33th International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property, 2014/07/06-09, ATRIP, Montpellier, pp.204-221. (補助參與33th ATRIP 年會, 103-2914-I-224-005-A1, 103-A201)
王美心, 2014, Cases Analysis on Pharmaceutical Patent Infringement in Great China, Sixth Annual Conference on, 2014/07/02-03, Leeds University, Leeds, pp.204-221. (2014實證法學與科際整合國際研討會, 台教文(一)字第1030011680U號, 103-A013)
王美心, 2014, 通訊產業因應標準專利FRAND授權之策略, 2014 IPR NanHu Forum, International Confernce on Intellectual Property Rights and Construction of An Innovative Country, 2014/04/18-20, 中國知識產權學會, 武漢, pp.281-291.
王美心, 2014, Current Progres on Patent Securitization, Proceedings of the International Conference on Law and Political Science, 2014/02/06-08, International Business Academics Consortium, Delhi, pp.1-30. (ISSN 2309-3730)
王美心 黃秋祝 吳如娥 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 磁力紅外小腿塑型套Magnetic Far-Infrared Calf Sleeve, 新型專利M594869 案號108213331. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 張秀霞 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 磁力紅外矯正腳套墊Magnetic Far-Infrared Foot Pad, 新型專利案號108213327. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 蔡瀞儀 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 磁力紅外腳指套Magnetic Far-Infrared Toe Sleeves, 新型專利案號108213325. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 余筱蕙 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 磁力遠紅外頭套Magnetic Far-Infrared Wig, 新型專利案號108213326. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 徐春燕 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 磁力紅外眼罩Magnetic Far-Infrared Eye Mask, 新型專利案號108213333 專利號M593843. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 蔡慶祥 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 磁力紅外護腿套Magnetic Far-Infrared Thigh Sleeve, 新型專利案號108213332 專利號M593756. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 張正義 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 磁力紅外腳跟墊Magnetic Far-Infrared Heel Pad, 新型專利案號108213329 專利號M593760. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 邱麗貞 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 磁力紅外護膝Magnetic Far-Infrared Knee Pad, 新型專利案號108213322 專利號M593755. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 廖振博 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 磁力紅外口罩Magnetic Far-Infrared Mask, 新型專利案號108213320 專利號M593881. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 吳麗玉 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 磁力紅外指套Magnetic Far-Infrared Finger Sleeves, 新型專利案號108213318 M593831. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 許芳瑄 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 磁力紅外護肘Magnetic Far-Infrared Elbow Pad, 新型專利案號108213328 專利號M593890. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 王福村 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 磁力紅外護頸Magnetic Far-Infrared Neck Protection, 新型專利案號108213330 專利號M593879. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 張秀霞 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 磁力紅外腰帶Magnetic Far-Infrared Belt, 新型專利案號108213324 專利號M593878. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 蔡瀞儀 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 磁力紅外髮箍The Hair Hoops with Magnetic Material and Far Infrared Material, 新型專利案號108213321 專利號M593876. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 徐春燕 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 生肖磁力套環Zodiac Magnetic Bracelet, 新型專利案號108213319 專利號M593763. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 黃郁惠 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 磁療星座眼鏡夾The Magnetic Clip for Glasses with Constellation Design, 新型專利案號108213317 專利號M594159. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 廖健華 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2020, 磁力組合墊The Combination Pad with Magnetic Material, 新型專利案號108213316 專利號M593885. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 黃秋祝 張正義 郭素卿 蔣本慈 廖荃億, 2019, 磁力紅外護肩Magnetic Far-Infrared Shoulder Pad, 新型專利案號108213323 專利號M593877. (執行期間:Oct 2019~Oct 2029)
王美心 曾國哲 劉哲瑋 黃振庭 林季蓉, 2014, 一種改善膚色與淡斑之敷面組成物A mask composition for spot lightening and skin whitening, 美喬欣生技股份有限公司, 專利申請號103133432. (執行期間:2014年09月01日至2014年12月31日)
王美心 王靜雯 黃美惠 柯昱丞 葉慶鴻, 2014, 一種親水性卸妝組成物A hydrophilic composition for makeup removing, 美喬欣生技股份有限公司, 專利申請號103133420. (執行期間:2014年09月01日至2014年12月31日)
王美心 王靜雯 黃美惠 柯昱丞 許家通, 2014, 一種清潔面部皮膚之組成物A composition for face cleaning, 美喬欣生技股份有限公司, 專利申請號103133421. (執行期間:2014年09月01日至2014年12月31日)
王美心 柯昱丞 王靜雯 黃美惠 葉慶鴻, 2014, 一種改善唇部膚色之保濕組成物A moisture keeping composition for improving lip color, 美喬欣生技股份有限公司, 專利申請號103133422. (執行期間:2014年09月01日至2014年12月31日)
王美心 柯昱丞 王靜雯 黃美惠 林季蓉, 2014, 一種改善皮膚緊實度和彈性且保濕之按摩組成物A skin message composition for improving tightness, elasticity and moisture, 美喬欣生技股份有限公司, 專利申請號103133423. (執行期間:2014年09月01日至2016年12月31日)
王美心 劉哲瑋 呂展辰 曾國哲 陳玫瑜, 2014, 一種改善膚色與防曬之膏狀組成物A paste composition for skin color improving and sun blocking, 美喬欣生技股份有限公司, 專利申請號103133424. (執行期間:2014年09月01日至2016年12月31日)
王美心 劉哲瑋 呂展辰 曾國哲 陳玫瑜, 2014, 一種改善膚色與皮膚含水度之組成物A cream composition to improve skin color and moisture, 美喬欣生技股份有限公司, 專利申請號103133426. (執行期間:2014年09月01日至2016年12月31日)
王美心 劉哲瑋 呂展辰 曾國哲林季蓉, 2014, 一種改善膚色與抗老化之組成物A composition to improve skin color and anti-aging, 美喬欣生技股份有限公司, 專利申請號103133427. (執行期間:2014年09月01日至2016年12月31日)
王美心 黃美惠 王靜雯 柯昱丞 許家通, 2014, 一種改善眼周皮膚含水度之組成物A skin care composition for moisture improving around eyes, 美喬欣生技股份有限公司, 專利申請號103133428. (執行期間:2014年09月01日至2016年12月31日)
王美心 黃美惠 王靜雯 柯昱丞 葉慶鴻, 2014, 一種改善膚色提高皮膚含水度之組成物A solution composition to improve skin color and moisture, 美喬欣生技股份有限公司, 專利申請號103133429. (執行期間:2014年09月01日至2016年12月31日)
王美心 曾國哲 劉哲瑋 黃振庭 曾建翔, 2014, 一種改善皮膚老化之液態組成物A serum composition for skin anti-aging, 美喬欣生技股份有限公司, 專利申請號103133430. (執行期間:2014年09月01日至2016年12月31日)
王美心 曾國哲 劉哲瑋 黃振庭 林季蓉, 2014, 一種改善唇部亮度之液態組成物A shining composition for lip skin, 美喬欣生技股份有限公司, 專利申請號103133431. (執行期間:2014年09月01日至2016年12月31日)
王美心 黃振庭 鍾秉宸 呂展辰 廖偉成, 2014, 一種改善痤瘡與皮膚細緻度之敷面組成物A mask composition to improve the acne and skin fineness, 美喬欣生技股份有限公司, 專利申請號103133433. (執行期間:2014年09月01日至2016年12月31日)
王美心 黃振庭 鍾秉宸 呂展辰 廖偉成, 2014, 一種美化膚質之乾濕兩用敷面組成物A beauty composition for both dry and wet applications on face, 美喬欣生技股份有限公司, 專利申請號103133434. (執行期間:2014年09月01日至2016年12月31日)
李冠呈 王美心 黃美惠 江雅瑄 王靜雯 葉慶鴻 柯昱丞, 2013, 一種緩解心血管症狀之組合物Compositions for the Relif of Cardiovascular Syndromes, 專利申請號103112248. (執行期間:2013年01月01日至2015年12月31日)
王美心 洪孟群 邱鈺淼 陳彥成 廖培任, 2012, 一種製備生物性發酵飼料的方法A PREPARATION OF BIOLOGICAL FERMENTED FEEDING STUFFS, 專利申請號101103965. (執行期間:2012年01月01日至2014年12月31日)
黃武宗 王美心 李郁恒 王沛涵 張詠皓黃武建, 2012, 一種鎮定與安眠的組成A COMPOSITION FOR EMOTION CALMING AND SLEEP-IMPROVING, 專利申請號101103964. (執行期間:2012年01月01日至2014年12月31日)
王美心 廖姮姿 杞陳賢, 2012, 一種止咳化痰之組成 A COMPOSITION FOR COUGH-STOPPING AND PHLEGM-REDUCING, 專利申請號101103967. (執行期間:2012年01月01日至2014年12月31日)
王美心 陳柏羽 陳皓康 徐啟昇, 2012, 一種生物性去味除臭劑 A BIOLOGICAL ODOR-REMOVING FORMULA, 專利申請號101103968. (執行期間:2012年01月01日至2014年12月31日)
王美心 徐敏峻 張延彰, 2012, 一種複合微生物製劑A MULTI-MICROORGANISM FORMULATION, 專利申請號101103966. (執行期間:2012年01月01日至2014年12月31日)
黃武建, 王美心, 黃武宗, 馮昱豪, 陳建文, 2009, 一種高微量元素作物養植方法, 材料科技研究所. (執行期間:2008年8月01日至2009年7月31日)
黃武建, 王美心, 黃武宗, 張家豪, 簡士竣, 2009, 一種強筋壯骨之營養品, 材料科技研究所. (執行期間:2008年8月01日至2009年7月31日)
李冠呈, 王美心, 張家豪, 林詩偉, 2009, 一種皮膚緊實與修復之方法, 材料科技研究所. (執行期間:2008年8月01日至2009年7月31日)
王美心, 邱璽臣, 林季蓉, 陳又嘉, 2009, 除臭、防霉、滅菌設備(專利證號 M330128), 材料科技研究所. (執行期間:2008年8月01日至2009年7月31日)
王美心, 邱璽臣, 林季蓉, 陳又嘉, 2009, 除臭滅菌墊片與貼片(專利號: M385009 ), 材料科技研究所. (執行期間:2008年8月01日至2009年7月31日)
王美心, 陳宏澤, 林士文, 黃奎鈞, 徐永瞱, 林士杰, 2009, 一種水處理與廢水回收方法, 材料科技研究所. (執行期間:2008年8月01日至2009年7月31日)
王美心, 陳宏澤, 張秀霞, 黃信達, 黃姝綺, 2009, 一種空間及水質消毒、除臭、殺菌方法, 材料科技研究所. (執行期間:2008年8月01日至2009年7月31日)
王美心 劉哲瑋 呂展辰 曾國哲 陳玫瑜, 2014, 一種改善膚色與皮膚含水度之組成物A cream composition to improve skin color and moisture, 美喬欣生技股份有限公司, 專利申請號103133426. (執行期間:2014年09月01日至2016年12月31日)
王美心, 陳宏澤, 張秀霞, 陳威宇, 羅世翔, 陳又嘉, 2009, 一種水產養殖之消毒殺菌方法, 材料科技研究所. (執行期間:材料科技研究所)
王美心, 陳宏澤, 張秀霞, 沈淑君, 張晉瑋, 蔡驛杰, 林季蓉, 2009, 一種保鮮殺菌之方法, 材料科技研究所. (執行期間:2008年8月01日至2009年7月31日)
王美心, 張秀霞, 李亮遠, 吳慶安, 2009, 一種新型醫療儀器之消毒方法, 材料科技研究所. (執行期間:2008年8月01日至2009年7月31日)
劉有台, 張淑美, 王美心, 2009, 光纖平面發光體 M330128, 材料科技研究所. (執行期間:2008年8月01日至2009年7月31日)
王美心, 蔡志章, 邱秀美, 2009, 一種應用於植物滅菌防病蟲害之方法, 材料科技研究所. (執行期間:2008年8月01日至2009年7月31日)
王美心, 蔡志章, 邱秀美, 2009, 一種植物培養基及其微生物製備方法, 材料科技研究所. (執行期間:2008年8月01日至2009年7月31日)
王美心, 2008, 磁化水對皮膚含水度之應用. (執行期間:2006年10月01日至2007年12月31日)
王美心, 2008, 磁化水檢驗方法. (執行期間:2006年10月01日至2007年12月31日)
王美心, 2008, 磁化水之於動植物之應用. (執行期間:2006年10月01日至2007年12月31日)
王美心, 2008, 特用蛋白質對皮膚保養的應用. (執行期間:2006年10月01日至2007年12月31日)
王美心, 2007, 除臭消毒自動噴灑裝置(垃圾桶/車) 專利號:M329038, 川瀧生化科技有限股份公司. (執行期間:2007年03月01日至2005年10月31日)
王美心, 2007, 具有自動配藥功能之噴灑裝置 專利號:M330128, 川瀧生化科技有限股份公司. (執行期間:2007年03月01日至2005年10月31日)
王美心, 2007, 一種驅蟲殺菌除臭劑之產製裝置及其製法 專利案號:096218001, 川瀧生化科技有限股份公司. (執行期間:2007年03月01日至2005年10月31日)
王美心, 2007, 一種防腐保鮮組成之產製置及其製法 專利案號:096218005, 川瀧生化科技有限股份公司. (執行期間:2007年03月01日至2005年10月31日)
王美心, 2007, 即用型二氧化氯噴霧裝置 專利號:M 324408, 川瀧生化科技有限股份公司. (執行期間:2007年03月01日至2005年10月31日)
王美心, 2007, 強效顆粒型消毒保鮮劑之製造裝置及製法 專利案號:096218000, 川瀧生化科技有限股份公司. (執行期間:2007年03月01日至2005年10月31日)
王美心, 2007, 產製二氧化氯溶液之純化處理裝置及其製法 專利案號:096217997, 川瀧生化科技有限股份公司. (執行期間:2007年03月01日至2005年10月31日)
王美心, 2007, 高純度二氧化氯溶液產製裝置及其製法 專利案號:096217998, 川瀧生化科技有限股份公司. (執行期間:2007年03月01日至2005年10月31日)
王美心, 2007, 速用長效型消毒水溶液製作裝置及製法 專利案號:096217999, 川瀧生化科技有限股份公司. (執行期間:2007年03月01日至2005年10月31日)
王美心, 2007, 緩釋型固體二氧化氯之生產裝置及其製法 專利案號:096217995, 川瀧生化科技有限股份公司. (執行期間:2007年03月01日至2005年10月31日)
王美心, 2007, 固態消毒保鮮除臭劑之生產裝置及其製法 專利案號: 096218003, 川瀧生化科技有限股份公司. (執行期間:2007年03月01日至2005年10月31日)
王美心, 2007, 製作消毒片劑之裝置及其製法 專利案號:096217996, 川瀧生化科技有限股份公司. (執行期間:2007年03月01日至2005年10月31日)
王美心, 2007, 二氧化氯在飲用水廠之藥劑添加設備 專利案號:096209642 證號:M 324661, 川瀧生化科技有限股份公司. (執行期間:2007年03月01日至2005年10月31日)
王美心, 2007, 輕便型二氧化氯產生器 專利案號:096209643證號:M 324662, 川瀧生化科技有限股份公司. (執行期間:2007年03月01日至2005年10月31日)
Mei-Hsin Wang, 2022, 2022 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Environmental Special Edition-, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association. (ISSN : 2520-7237 (online))
Mei-Hsin Wang, 2022, 2022 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Green Energy Special Edition-, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association. (ISSN : 2520-7237 (online))
Mei-Hsin Wang, 2022, 2022 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Colorectal Special Edition-, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association. (ISSN : 2520-7237 (online))
Mei-Hsin Wang, 2022, 2022 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Pediatrics Special Edition-, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association. (ISSN : 2520-7237 (online))
Hsing-Fong LEE, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Xin-Hong LIN, etc, 2021, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Hepatitis Special Edition-, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association, 台灣. (ISBN:2520-7237 online)
Yuan-Fu LIU, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Xin-Hong LIN, Ge-Fang ZHANG, 2021, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Orthopedics for Sports Special Edition-, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association.
Yuan-Fu LIU, Mei-Hsin WANG*, Xin-Hong LIN, Ge-Fang ZHANG, 2021, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Orthopedics for Senile Population Special Edition-, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association, 台灣. (ISBN:2520-7237 online)
Yueh-Lung Yang楊岳隆, 何怡慧Yi-Hui Ho, Mei-Hsin Wang*王美心*, 2021, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Chinese Herbal Medicine Special Edition-, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association, 台灣. (ISBN:2520-7237 online)
廖振博Chien-Po Liao, 王美心*Chien-Po Liao,, 2021, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Digital Transmission Special Edition-, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association, 台灣. (ISBN:2520-7237 online)
Wen-Bing Tsai, Mei-Hsin WANG*, I-Hsin LIN, 2021, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Rheumatology and Immunology Special Edition-, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association. (ISBN:2520-7237 online)
Hsing-Fong LEE, Mei-Hsin WANG*, 2021, Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding - Hepatobiliary and Gastroenterology Special Edition-, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association, 台灣, pp.1-86. (ISBN:2520-7237 online)
Hong-Chieh Wu-Chang, Mei-Hsin Wang, *, 2021, 2021 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding-Psychiatry Special Edition-, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association, 台灣, pp.1-81. (英文, ISBN:2520-7237 online)
王美心, 2020, 2020 Patent Mapping Competition Annual Proceeding-3D Printing Special Edition, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association, 台灣, pp.1-59. (ISBN:2520-7237 online)
王美心, 2020, 2020專利佈局暨智財分析專刊, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association, 台灣.
王美心, 2020, 2020 Proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Patent and Technology in World IP Forum Taipei, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association, 台灣. (ISSN 2313-7851)
王美心, 2020, 2019專利佈局暨智財分析專刊, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association, 台灣. (ISSN 2521 7011)
王美心, 2020, 2019 Proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Patent and Technology in World IP Forum Delhi & World IP Summit Amsterdam, China Biomedical and Technology Application Association, 台灣. (ISSN 2313-7851)
王美心, 2019, Trademark and Copyright Procurement and Enforcement in the US, World IP Forum, 2019/11/06-08, WIPF, Taipei, pp.310-320.
王美心, 2019, Anti-Counterfeit Strategy from a Chinese Perspective, IP World Summit, 2019/10/21-23, IQPC, Amsterdam, pp.1001-1010.
王美心, 2019, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis and IP Landcape-Case study on Nano Science, IХ International Symposium «Design and Synthesis of Supramolecular Architectures» , International School on Cheminformatics, 2019/06/24-28, Kazen University, Kazen, pp.2101-2110.
王美心, 2019, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis and Tokenization Development on IP-Case study on Biotechnology, 150th anniversary Markovnikov Congress on Organic Chemistry, 2019/06/21, Moscow State University, Moscow, pp.1101-1110.
王美心, 2019, Communication Technology Case Study-Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis and Predicting Technology on Patent Monetization, 11th Annual Conference on Innovation and Communications Law, 2019/05/03-04, CICL, Las Vegas, pp.301-310.
王美心, 2019, Semiconductor Case Study-Artificial Intelligence and Predicting Technology on Patent Monetization, 2019年闽台知识产权圆桌会议, 2019/04/30, 廈門大學, 廈門, pp.101-110.
王美心, 2019, Technologies Impact on Patents: Blockchain, Artifical Intelligence, Predictive Analytics and a Variety of New Technologues will Change the Patent Ecosystem, Global Intellectual Property Covention 2019, 2019/01/17-19, ITAG, Bengaluru, plenary III - 301-31.
王美心, 2018, 智慧財產權新世紀-人工智慧整合區塊鏈之生態系平臺, 湖南省法學會智慧財產權法學研究會2018年年會暨人工智慧時代智慧財產權前沿問題研討會, 2018/12/22, 湖南省法學會、智慧財產權法學研究會, 湘潭大學, 2018, pp TW 1-8.
王美心, 2018, New Technologies to Change the Patent Monetization, 湖南省知识产权创业导师培训班, 2018/12/21, 湖南省知識產權局, 湘潭, pp.plenary III - 301.
王美心, 2018, BlockChain, AI and Big Data Analysis for the New Patent Ecosystem, Life Science IP Summit 2018, 2018/11/27-28, IQPC Gesellschaft f?r Management Konferenzen mbH, London, 2018 NOV: 201-208.
王美心, 2018, Monetization IP through Modern Technologies -Blockchian, Smart-Contract, AI and Big Data Analysis, Bi-Monthly meeting in the Japan Business Machine and Information System Industry Association, 2018/11/20, JAMIA, Tokyo, JAMIA 2018: Nov 101-.
王美心, 2018, The IP New Era - Ecosystem built on AI embedded with Blockchain platform, World Intellectual Property Forum, New Delhi, 2018, 2018/11/14-16, WIPF, New Delhi, Nov 2018, pp TW 1-9.
王美心, 2018, Essential Standard Patent Management -an Ecosystem built on AI and Blockchain platform-, 新時代知識產權法治論壇, 2018/11/03-04, 中國知識產權法學研究會, 廈門, pp.1939-1948.
王美心, 2018, How AR/VR Change the Modern Life? -Intellectual Property & Legal Development, 1. Mei-Hsin Wang, How AR/VR Change the Modern Life? -Intellectual Property & Legal Development, The 10th Annual Conference on Innovation and Communications Law, 2018/05/03-04, CICL, Milano, pp.101-115.
王美心, 2018, Challenges of IP and 3D Printing, 2018 World Intellectual Property Forum, 2018/01/16-18, WIPF, Dubai, pp.100-130.
王美心, 2017, UK Intellectual Property and Issues - Brexit & UPC-, Collaborative Innovation Forum of Intellectual Property in 2017 and International Seminar Invitation Letter for “the Belt and Road Initiative” and Intellectual Property Risk, 2017/12/15-16, SIPO, NanJing, pp.101-110.
王美心, 2017, Chinese Intellectual Property Policy to to lead the Fourth Industry Revoution, 2017 International Symposium on Intellectual Property, 2017/11/09, Korean Intellectual Property Office, Seoul, pp.101-115.
王美心, 2017, Effective tactics to protect Intellectual Property Rights in China: Culture, Politics and Law, World Federation of Sports Good Industry Legal Summit, 2017/06/25-27, World Federation of Sports Good Industry, Nike Centre, Portland, pp.101-109.
王美心, 2017, Technology and Intellectual Property progress for on-line Payment, Munich Intellectual Patent Law Conference, 2017/06/23, European Patent Office, Munich, pp.101-130.
王美心, 2017, Technology and Intellectual Property Development on Smart Vehicles, The Ninth Annual Conference on Innovation and Communications Law, 2017/05/29-31, CICL, Szedged, pp.50-85.
王美心, 2017, How to Use Global Patent Litigation Strategies to Deal with NPEs –Non-producing Entities-, 2017 World Intellectual Property Forum, 2017/04/26-28, WIPF, Bangaluru, pp.134-169.
王美心, 2016, 併購、交易、許可之知識產權國際戰略, 中國智庫治理論壇年會, 2016/12/17, 中國智庫研究与評价中心, 南京大學.
王美心, 2016, Business Model study on Intellectual Property Trading & Licensing, The International Conference on Economic Development and Management Engineering, 2016/12/10-11, EDME, WuHan. (http://www.edme2016.org/?op=keynotes)
王美心, 2016, Case Study and Regulation Update o anti-Counterfeiting in China, 11th Brand Protection & Anti-Counterfeiting Conference, 2016/11/14-15, International Quality & Productivity Center, Berlin. (https://brandprotection.iqpc.co.uk/)
王美心, 2016, IP As Driver Of Global Economy: Case Studies on Crop Transgenic Companies, Deals Led By IP, 5th Global IP 2016 Conclave, 2016/11/10-11, Global IP Conclave, Munbai. (http://iperaconclave.com/form/IP_Era_Conclave_Agenda_2016.pdf)
王美心, 2016, Economic Impacts from Transgenic Engineering, 2016 International Conference on Economic Science and Management Engineering, 2016/11/04-06, ESME, Guilin. (http://www.esme2016.org/?op=keynotes)
王美心, 2016, China – Status of IP Licensing and Funding, Korea Intellectual Property Association Annual Conference, 2016/11/03, Korea Intellectual Property Association, Seoul. (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/prof-mei-hsin-wang-steve-kim-c-s-2016-korean-property-mei-hsin-wang)
王美心, 2016, Impact on Transgenic Technologies - Policy vs Reality in Panel Pharm 2: Biosimilar – Similar but different, The International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, 2016/09/16-20, AIPPI, Milan. (105-2914-I-224-005-A1, http://aippi.org/panel-sessions2016/ http://ipkitten.blogspot.tw/2016/09/aippi-congress-report-3-biosimilars.html http://kluwerpatentblog.com/2016/09/20/aippi-milano-similar-but-different/?print=pdf http://www.managingip.com/pdfs/03_AIPPI16_Milan_Tue.pdf)
王美心, 2016, Anti-Competition Study on Merger & Acquisition and Patent Alliance Licensing, The International Conference on Humanistic Education and Law(ICHEL2016), 2016/08/19-21, 香港科學与工程研究中心, Shenzen. (http://muchong.com/html/201605/10296989.html https://read01.com/n4Qj0y.html http://mt.sohu.com/20160728/n461438551.shtml)
王美心, 2016, IP for Successful Business, 第一屆知識產權珠江論壇, 2016/07/30-31, 廣東中策知識產權研究院, 廣州.
王美心, 2016, Study of Economic Impact on Patent Alliance Business Model, International Conference on Economics and Business Management, 2016/06/25-27, EBM, GuangZhou. (http://www.ebm2016.org/?op=keynotes)
王美心, 2016, Study on Recent Industry Merger & Acquisition and IP Trading in Asia, Eight Conference on Innovation and Communications Law-Fading, Emerging and Flipped Markets: Owning, Licensing or Sharing Technologies? 2016, 2016/05/25-27, CICL, UEF Law School, Joensuu. (https://www.uef.fi/web/oikeustieteet/cicl2016)
王美心, 2016, Case Study and Practicum on Transgenic Approval Policy and Global Merger & Acquisition Regulations, 2016公私法學學術研討會, 2016/05/20, 僑光科技大學, Overseas Chinese University.
王美心, 2016, 專利聯盟運營之競爭法研究, 2016知識產全制度與知識產權運營國際研討會會議, 2016/05/12-13, 國家知識產權局, 湖南長沙. (http://law.xtu.edu.cn/infoshow-7-5361-0.html http://www.fxcxw.org/index.php/Home/Benwang/artIndex/id/13509/tid/1.html http://www.lqlaser.net/zhishichanquanfa/4623109.html)
王美心, 2016, Anti-Competition Study on Patent Alliance and IP Bussiness Model, 2016知識產權南湖論壇—‘知識產權保護與强國建設’國際研討會, 2016/04/23-24, 中南財經政法大學知識產權研究中心, BeiJing. (http://www.zuel.edu.cn/2016/0428/c1236a38908/page.htm)
王美心, 2016, 專利證券化近期發展, 建設全球產業科技創新中心紫金高層論壇暨會員大會, 2016/04/17, 南京工業大學、江蘇省科技創新協會、江蘇省產業技術研究院和江蘇省生產力促進中心, 南京. (http://learning.sohu.com/20160418/n444798863.shtml)
王美心, 2015, Strategic Commercialization for Laboratory Innovation through Intellectual Property Rights, International Congress on Heterocyclic Chemistry “KOST-2015, 2015/10/18-23, KOST, Moscow, pp.1-16.
王美心, 2015, Strategic Management on Intellectual Property –Case Study on LED Industry, 34th ANNUAL CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF TEACHING AND RESEARCH IN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (ATRIP), 2015/09/27-30, ATRIP, Cape town, pp.1-29.
Mei-Hin Wang, 2015, Anti-Competition Study on On-Line Tools and Applied Devices, World Intellectual Property Forum, 2015/09/15-17, WIPF, Bangkok, pp.TW 1-14.
王美心, 2015, Strategic Management on Green Technology IP Rights -Solar Energy and LED, 7th Annual Innovation & Communications Law Conference, 2015/07/06-08, AICLC, Xiamen.
王美心 林柏辰 方捷揚 黃成靖, 2015, 智慧財產權之訴訟與政策運營-以太陽能與LED產業為例, 2015公私法學學術研討會, 2015/05/20, 僑光科技大學, 台中, pp.tw1-31.
王美心 黃成靖, 2015, Solar Energy Case Study on Inellectual property Management, 2015智慧財產權南湖論壇“智慧財產權, 2015/04/18-19, 中南財經政法大學知識產權研究中心, 南京, pp.862-875.
王美心 林柏辰 方捷揚 林季蓉, 2015, LED Case Study on Intellectual Property Management, 2015智慧財產權南湖論壇“智慧財產權, 2015/04/18-19, 中南財經政法大學知識產權研究中心, 南京, pp.804-819.
Mei-Hsin Wang, Po-Chen Lin, Jie-Yang Fang, 2015, Effective Anti-Piracy on Well-Known Trademarks Protection, "Creating Value in Tomorrow's Smart Economy-Towards 2020 and beyond" 2015 Licensing Executive Society Internatinal Annual Confernece, 2015/04/10-15, Licensing Executive Society International, Brussels, pp.tw1-15. (參與LESI2015年會, 104-2914-I224-002-A1)
王美心, 2014, Financial Management on Patent Use and the Strategy for Emerging Industries, Baku International Humanitarian Forum, 2014/10/02-03, Ministry of Education, Azerbaijan, Baku, pp.222-230.
王美心, 2014, Trend and Case Analysis on Compulsory Licensing in Asia, 33th International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property, 2014/07/06-09, ATRIP, Montpellier, pp.204-221. (補助參與33th ATRIP 年會, 103-2914-I-224-005-A1, 103-A201)
王美心, 2014, Cases Analysis on Pharmaceutical Patent Infringement in Great China, Sixth Annual Conference on, 2014/07/02-03, Leeds University, Leeds, pp.204-221. (2014實證法學與科際整合國際研討會, 台教文(一)字第1030011680U號, 103-A013)
王美心, 2014, 通訊產業因應標準專利FRAND授權之策略, 2014 IPR NanHu Forum, International Confernce on Intellectual Property Rights and Construction of An Innovative Country, 2014/04/18-20, 中國知識產權學會, 武漢, pp.281-291.
王美心, 2014, Current Progres on Patent Securitization, Proceedings of the International Conference on Law and Political Science, 2014/02/06-08, International Business Academics Consortium, Delhi, pp.1-30. (ISSN 2309-3730)