- 學術期刊論文
- 研討會論文
- 技術報告
- 專書及專書論文
- 其他論著
Hung-Shih Lin, Yuan-Kuei Hsieh, Ching-Ming Lee, Lin-Xiu Ye and Te-Ho Wu, 2023, The utilization of electroencephalogram and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for case of COVID-19 brain fog, International Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Vol.11, Issue 2, pp.25-29. (其他)
Hao-Hsuan Chen, Ching-Ming Lee, Lang Zeng, Wei-Sheng Zhao, and Ching-Ray Chang, 2021, Hysteretic mutual phase-locking of perpendicular-to-plane polarizer spin-torque nano-oscillator pairs analyzed by a generalized pendulum-like model, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.130, No.4, pp.043904. (SCI)
Lin-Xiu Ye, Ramesh Chandra Bhatt, Ching-Ming Lee, Wei-Hsiang Hsu, Te-ho Wu, 2020, Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in TbFeCo/MgO structure with Ta- and Hf-underlayer, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol.502, pp.166554. (SCI)
Lin-Xiu Ye, Ramesh C. Bhatt, Ching-Ming Lee, Shih-Min Chang, and Te-ho Wu, 2019, The effects of annealing temperature and heating rate on Ta/TbFeCo bilayers, AIP Advances, Vol.09, No.12, p.125316. (SCIE)
H. T. Huang, P. Garu, C. H. Li, W. C. Chang, B. W. Chen, S. Y. Sung, C. M. Lee, J. Y. Chen, T. F. Hsieh, W. J. Sheu, H. Ouyang, W. C. Wang, C. R. Chang, C. L. Wang, M. S. Hsu and Z. H. Wei, 2019, Magnetoresistive Biosensors for Direct Detection of Magnetic Nanoparticle Conjugated Biomarkers on a Chip, SPIN, Vol.09, No.2, p.1940002. (SCI)
HaoHsuan Chen, Lang Zeng, Ching-Ming Lee and Weisheng Zhao, 2019, Stability Analysis of Spin-Torque Nano-oscillator in the Rotating Frame, SPIN, Vol.09, No.3, p. 1950008. (SCI)
Ramesh Chandra Bhatt, Lin-Xiu Ye, Wei-Hsien Chen, C. M. Lee, J. C. Wu, and Te-ho Wu, 2019, Interlayer Dipolar Coupling in CoFeB-based Perpendicular Magnetic Tunnel Junctions, Journal of Applied Physics, No.125, pp.013902. (SCI)
S.-M. Chérif, Y. Roussigné, M. Belmeguenai, C.R. Chang, Y.C. Lee, J.C. Wu, C. M. Lee, T.H. Wu, A.A. Stashkevich, F. Zighem, 2017, Dynamic and Magnetotransport Properties of Perpendicularly Magnetized CoFeB Magnetic Tunnel Junctions, SPIN, Vol.06, No.04, pp.1640010. (SCIE)
Hao-Hsuan Chen, Ching-Ming Lee, Zongzhi Zhang, Yaowen Liu, Jong-Ching Wu, Lance Horng, and Ching-Ray Chang, 2016, Phase locking of spin-torque nano-oscillator pairs with magnetic dipolar coupling, Physical Review B, Vol.93, pp.224410. (SCI)
Jen-Hwa Hsu, C. L. Tsai, Ching-Ming Lee, and P. Saravanan, 2015, Modifying exchange-spring behavior of CoPt/NiFe bilayer by inserting a Pt or Ru spacer, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol.117, p. 17A715. (SCI)
P. Saravanan, Jen-Hwa Hsu, C. L. Tsai, C. Y. Tsai, Y. H. Lin, C. Y. Kuo, J.-C. Wu and C. M. Lee, 2014, Interplay between out-of-plane anisotropic L11-type CoPt and in-plane anisotropic NiFe layers in CoPt/NiFe exchange springs, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.115, pp.243905. (SCI)
Hao-Hsuan Chen, Ching-Ming Lee, Jong-Ching Wu, Lance Horng, Ching-Ray Chang, and Jui-Hang Chang, 2014, Synchronization of spin torque nano-oscillators through dipolar interactions, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.115, p.134306. (SCI, EI)
Y. H. Chan, M. J. Chen, J. J. Chiang, I.C. Liao, T. H. Wu, C. M. Lee, W. Y. Peng, J. Y. Chen, J. Y. Lai, C. K. Lo, and Z. H. Wei, 2014, Edge Effect on Coercive Field of GMR Sensors with Meander Line Structure, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.50, No.1, p.4001704. (SCI)
Jia-Mou Lee, Dong-Chin Yang, Ching-Ming Lee, Lin-Xiu Ye, Yao-Jen Chang, Yen-Chi Lee, Jong-Ching Wu and Te-ho Wu, 2013, Direct characterization of spin-transfer switching of nano-scale magnetic tunneljunctions using a conductive atomic force microscope, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol.46, p.175002. (SCI)
Ching-Ming Lee, Lin-Xiu Ye , Hau-KangChen , and Te-Ho Wu, 2013, The Effects of Deposition Rate and Annealing on CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB Perpendicular Magnetic Tunnel Junctions, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.49, No.7, p.4429. (SCI)
Lin-Xiu Ye, Ching-Ming Lee, Chui-Xiang Chiou, Yang-Hua Chang, Wen-Jauh Chen, and Te-Ho Wu, 2014, Embedded Fe Nanoparticles in the MgO Layer of CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB Perpendicular Magnetic Tunnel Junctions, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, Vol.50, No.11, p.4401203. (SCI, EI)
P. Saravanan, Jen-Hwa Hsu, C.L. Tsai, Ching-Ming Lee, 2015, Deposition temperature mediated tunable tilt angle magnetization in Co–Pt/Ni81Fe19 exchange springs, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol.381, pp.382-385. (SCI, EI)
Hung-Shih Lin, Ching-Ming Lee, Te-Ho Wu, 2022, The Combination of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Electroencephalogram: Experimental Results and Clinical Application, 第十二屆身心介面國際研討會, 2022/10/29-30, 台中中國醫藥大學附設醫院、 台灣營養精神醫學研究學會 (TSNPR), 台中市,中國醫藥大學.
Hung-Shih Lin, Yuan-Kuei Hsieh, Ching-Ming Lee, Te-Ho Wu, 2022, The Utilizations of Electroencephalogram and Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Case of COVID-19 Brain Fog, 第十二屆身心介面國際研討會, 2022/10/29-30, 台中中國醫藥大學附設醫院、 台灣營養精神醫學研究學會 (TSNPR), 台中市,中國醫藥大學.
葉林秀, 陳昱瑞, 李景明, 吳德和, 2022, RE-TM式磁穿隧接面中FeCo含量對磁電特性之影響, 2022 annual meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan(2022台灣物理年會暨科技部計畫成果發表會), 2022/01/24-26, 台灣物理學會, 台北市.
Lin-Xiu Ye, Ching-Ming Lee, Ramesh C. Bhatt , Shih-Min Chang , Te-ho Wu, 2019, The Effects of Annealing Rate and Temperature on Ta/TbFeCo bilayers, 2019 Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2019/11/03-08, 美國IEEE磁性協會, 拉斯維加斯
Lin-Xiu Ye, Ramesh Chandra Bhatt, Ching-Ming Lee, Wei-Hsiang Hsu, Te-ho Wu, 2019, Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in TbFeCo/MgO structure with underlayer Ta/Hf, 2019 Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2019/11/03-08, 美國IEEE磁性協會, 拉斯維加斯.
葉林秀, 張詩敏, 徐偉翔, 李景明, 吳德和, 2019, Hf、Ta對TbFeCo異向性之影響, 2019台灣磁性技術協會年會暨第31屆磁學與磁性技術研討會, 2019/07/10-12, 台灣磁性技術協會, 屏東,屏東大學.
李景明, 何忠峻, 吳德和, 2019, 靜磁耦合之自旋力矩振盪器的頻率紅位移現象, 2019台灣磁性技術協會年會暨第31屆磁學與磁性技術研討會, 2019/07/10-12, 台灣磁性技術協會, 屏東,屏東大學.
鄭又瑜, 詹偉祥, 李景明, 衛榮漢, 吳德和, 2018, 鈷鐵硼薄膜鐵磁共振之研究, 2018台灣磁性技術協會年會暨第30屆磁學與磁性技術研討會, 2018/07/09-11, 台灣磁性技術協會、中國材料研究學會, 金門,金門大學.
黃元鶴, 李景明, 2018, 應用替代性計量指標探索新興學科學術傳播軌跡:以社會企業為例, 第十四届海峡两岸圖書資訊學學術研討會, 2018/07/06-08, 中華圖書資訊學教育學會 南京理工大學經濟管理學院, 南京,南京理工大學
Ching-Ming Lee, Te-ho Wu, Jong-Ching Wu, 2016, Magnetization Switching For Perpendicular Magnetic Tunnel Junctions Driven By Spin Torque From The Spin Hall Effect, the 61st Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2016/10/31-2016/11/04, 美國物理協會(AIP), New Orleans.
Chen-Yu Huang, Yong-De Xu, Ching-Ming Lee, Te-Ho Wu, Ming-Shinn Hsu, Zung-Hang Wei, 2016, Cell manipulation using magnetic honeycomb structure, The 4th International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (IcAUMS 2016), 2016/08/01-05, 亞洲磁學聯盟, 台南 成功大學.
Chen-Yu Huang, Ying-Chang Tsao, Kuo-Wei Chiu, Ching-Ming Lee, Te-Ho Wu, Ming-Shinn Hsu , Zung-Hang Wei, 2016, Intracellular nanoparticle-mediated hyperthermia of microscopic tumours, The 4th International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (IcAUMS 2016), 2016/08/01-05, 亞洲磁學聯盟, 台南,成功大學, PB-01.
Chen-Yu Huang, Ying-Chang Tsao, Kuo-Wei Chiu, Ching-Ming Lee, Te-Ho Wu, Ming-Shinn Hsu, Zung-Hang Wei, 2016, New approach for quantitative single-cell analysis of magnetic labelling efficacy, The 4th International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (IcAUMS 2016), 2016/08/01-05, 亞洲磁性聯盟組織, 台南,成功大學, PB-02.
Ching-Ming Lee*, Zhen-Yue Wu, Jynn-Ying Wu, Te-ho Wu*, 2016, Micromagnetic Study of Spin-torque Nano-oscillators Dipolar-coupled with a Perpendicular Magnetized Layer, The 4th International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies, 2016/08/01-05, Asian Union of Magnetics Societies, 台南市.
蘇敬棋, 吳俊穎, 葉林秀, 吳德和, 李景明, 吳仲卿, 2016, 探討正交磁穿隧結構磁性在自旋二極體的應用, 2016 TAMT年會暨第28屆磁學與磁性技術研討會, 2016/07/31-2016/08/01, 台灣磁性技術協會, 台南/成功大學.
吳溱玥, 姜陳捷, 李景明, 吳仲卿, 吳德和, 2016, 退火效應對 MgO 式水平式 MTJ 磁奈米線結構之磁特性探討, 2016 TAMT年會暨第28屆磁學與磁性技術研討會, 2016/07/31-2016/08/01, 台灣磁性技術協會, 台南,成功大學.
廖原儀, 吳德和, 李景明, 2015, 自旋力矩振盪器與奈米磁體靜磁耦合之微磁學研究, 2015台灣磁性技術協會年會暨第27屆磁學與磁性技術研討會, 2015/06/28-30, 台灣磁性技術協會, 台北市、台灣師範大學.
游偉中, 吳仲卿, 吳德和, 李景明, 2015, 手徵性對奈米磁帶中渦旋磁壁運動之影響, 2015台灣磁性技術協會年會暨第27屆磁學與磁性技術研討會, 2015/06/28-30, 台灣磁性技術協會, 台北市,國立臺灣師範大學.
Te-ho Wu and Ching-Ming Lee, 2014, Micromagnetic study of synchronization of spin-torque nanooscillators through dipolar interactions, The 59th Annual Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM) Conference, 2014/11/03-07, 美國磁性協會, Hawaii.
Ching‐Ming Lee, Chung‐Yi Wu, Te‐ho Wu, 2014, Micromagnetic study of magnetization switching by spin‐Hall‐effect spin torque, The 3rd International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies, 2014/10/28-2014/11/02, 亞洲磁性聯盟組織, Haikou.
吳昌益, 李景明, 張彥華, 吳德和, 2014, 以自旋霍爾效應快速翻轉磁化之微磁學模擬研究, 2014 TAMT年會暨第26屆磁學與磁性技術研討會, 2014/06/22-24, 台灣磁性技術協會, 新竹.
Lin-Xiu Ye, Ching-Ming Lee, Chui-Xiang Chiou, Yang-Hua Chang , Te-ho Wu, 2014, Embedded Fe nanoparticles into the MgO layer of CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions, 2014 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, 2014/05/04-08, IEEE, Dresden.
江汨紳, 邱垂翔, 葉林秀, 李景明, 吳德和, 2013, 鐵量子點摻雜於垂直異向性CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB穿隧結構之特性研究, 第25屆磁學與磁性技術研討會, 2013/07/21-22, 台灣磁性技術協會, 台中市,裕元花園酒店.
林柏穎, 馮人綦, 吳德和, 李景明, 2013, Micromagnetic study of synchronization of spin-torque nano-oscillators through dipolar interactions, 第25屆磁學與磁性技術研討會, 2013/07/21-22, 台灣磁性技術協會, 台中市,裕元花園酒店.
Ching-Ming Lee, Lin-Xiu Ye, Shin-Hsueh Huang, Hau-Kang Chen, Te-ho Wu, 2013, The effects of deposition rate and annealing on CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions, The 12th Joint MMM/Intermag Conference, 2013/01/14-18, 美國物理協會(AIP), Chicago, Illinois.
李景明, 張慶瑞, 2002, 磁性技術手冊, 第二章-磁學原理簡介, 中華民國磁性技術協會, 新竹縣竹東鎮, pp.5-20.