曾駿逸 Jiun-Yi Tseng

  1. 曾駿逸, 2018, Ta and Ru seed layers effect on the crystallinity and wettability of Co60Fe20V20 films, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol.17, No.12, pp.7810-7814. (SCI)
  2. 曾駿逸, 2018, Pressure Welding of Silver Nanowires Networks at Room-Temperature as Transparent Electrodes for Efficient Organic Light-Emitting Diodes, Small, Vol.14, NO.38, pp.1800541. (SCI)
  3. Jiun-Yi Tseng, SM Lin, TY Su, YC Shih, JS Huang, CH Huang, SJ Lin and YL Chueh, “Tunable multilevel storage in ZnO/ZnWOx memristor with complementary resistive switching behavior”, ACS Appl.Mater. Interfaces, 6, 17686~17693,(2014).
  4. Jiun-Yi Tseng*, YT Chen, TB Wu and MK Wu, “Effect of annealing time on structure, composition and electrical characteristics of self-assembled Pt nanocrystals in metal-oxide-semiconductor memory structures”, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 1(3) Q47-Q51 (2012).
  5. WC Tsai, Stuart R. Thomas, CH Hsu, YC Huang, Jiun-Yi Tseng, TT Wu, CH Chang, ZM Wang, JM Shieh, CH Shen, and YL Chueh, “Flexible high performance hybrid AZO/Ag nanowire/AZO sandwich structured transparent conductors for flexible Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell applications”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 4, 6980~6988 (2016).
  6. Jiun-Yi Tseng, YT Chang, CW Wu, and LC Yang,“Crystallization Behavior and Thermal Analysis of CoFeB Thin Films”. Journal of Nanomaterials, Volume 2015, Article ID 371894, 6 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/371894 (2015). (SCI;IF:1.644;第一作者)
  7. Jiun-Yi Tseng, YT Chen,CJ Liu ,CC Wang ,QR Chen, MH Cheng, and TB Chou, “The optical, electrical, and nanomechanical properties of Zno thin films”. Optik-Internation Journal for Light and Electron Optics, (Accepted in Press), 2015.7. (SCI;IF:0.677;第一作者)
  8. YT Chen,Jiun-Yi Tseng, SH Lin, and T S Sheu, “Effect of grain size on optical and electrical properties of Ni80Fe20 thin films”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol.360, pp.87-91, (2014). (SCI; IF: 2.002; Rank in Category of materials science, multidisciplinary; 77/251; 第二作者.)
  9. YT Chen, Jiun-Yi Tseng, TS Sheu, and YC Lin, “Effect of grain size on magnetic properties and microstructure of Ni80Fe20 thin films”, Thin Solid Films 544, 602-605(2013). (SCI; EI; IF: 1.867; Rank in Category of materials science, coatings and films: 6/18; 第二作者.)
  1. BH Jhuo, PW Chi, H Chang, Jiun-Yi Tseng,YL Chueh,DH Wei, “Resistive Switching Behaviors of Zno-based Mermory Device with Tunable Thickness,”ICMAT2015, Singapore, 28 June-03 July 2015, A-1015 (accepted; poster section).
  2. PW Chi, CH Chao, CC Huang, JY Tseng, YC Yu, YD Yao, DH Wei, “Controlled surface wettability of wurtzite zinc oxide (0002)films deposited by magnetron sputtering at room temperature”, ThinFilms2012(TFS)--The 6th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films and Surface Coatings, July 14-17, Singapore.
  3. Jiun-Yi Tseng, JH Chang, TY Su, JG Li, YC Shih, A Manikandan, HW Lin and YL Chueh, “HighPerformance Organic Light-Emitting Diode Using Novel Metal Grid Transparent Conductive Electrode”, 2015材料年會, 中國鋼鐵公司/高雄.
  4. YC Huang, JH Chang, YT Yen, Jiun-Yi Tseng, HW Lin and YL Chueh, “Ag NWs/PMMA CompositeTransparent Electrodes with Reduced Sheet Resistance and Improved Surface Roughness Used in Organic Light-Emitting Diode”, 2015真空年會, 台北科技大學/台北.
  5. YC Huang, YT Yen, Jiun-Yi Tseng, and YL Chueh, “Optical and Electrical properties of Silver Nanowires Network after Plasma Treatment”. 2015物理年會, 清華大學/新竹.
  6. Jiun-Yi Tseng, YT Chen, CH Hsu, TB Wu, MJ Wang and MK Wu, “Structural and electrical characteristics of self-assembled Pt nanocrystals from reduction of an embedded PtOx ultrathin film in metaloxide- semiconductor memory structures”, 2013物理年會, 東華大學/花蓮.